4 Point System In Textile

Beyond these simpler checks, two industry methods used are the Ten point and Four point systems. The most commonly used is the Four point system. Within this system, fabric rolls are graded for defects. Each defect receives a certain number of points, and after inspection, of course you hope for the lowest number of points possible. 4 - POINT SYSTEM, A WOVEN FABRIC GRADING SYSTEM 4 - POINT SYSTEM, A WOVEN FABRIC GRADING SYSTEM: The fabric is woven by using different techniques like hand loom, power loom (shuttle loom), shuttle less loom. Every technology has the probability to get fabric defective. 4- point system 10- Point system 2.5- point system etc. Four-Point System: Four-Point System, is a standardized Test Methods for fabric Visually Inspecting and Grading. Four-Point System is widest acceptance in fabric inspection due to its practical, impartial, and worldwide recognized. 4 points system: It is widely used in textiles. It is simple and easy to understand. Inspection is done about 10% of the product in the shipment. This system is approved by AAMA (American Apparel. 4 Point System. Most of the apparel industry prefer Four Point rating system for determining fabric quality, and it is certified by the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) as well as the American Apparel Manufacturers (AAMA). The ASTM D5430 standard explains how to assign points to each defect– mostly based on its size.

Four-Point System, a standard established under ASTM D5430 – 07(2011), is a standardized Test Methods for fabric Visually Inspecting and Grading.

Four-Point System is adopted as the base of DQC inspection system because it has received the widest acceptance in fabric inspection due to its practical, impartial, and worldwide recognized.

In the four-point system, a maximum of four penalty points can be assessed for any single defect and no linear yard can be assessed for any single defect and no linear yard can be assessed more than four points regardless of the number of defects within that piece.

Defects in both the warp/fill and directions will be assigned points under the following criteria.
1 point – Defects up to 3″
2 points – Defects > 3″ ≤ 6″
3 points – Defects > 6″ ≤ 9″
4 points – Defects > 9″
Any defect of a continuous nature shall be assigned four points for each yard in which it occurs.

Severe defects are assigned the maximum four points for each yard in which they occur. Example: regardless of size, hole would be penalized four points.

4 Point System In Textile Supply

Continuing conditions such as barre, side center side shading, roll to roll shading, narrow or irregular width, creasing and uneven finish shall be counted four points for every yard within the roll that is found to contain these conditions.

Four points shall be assigned to each yard of the inspected roll that contains this type of shading defect.

The maximum penalty for any one yard shall not be more than four points.

Individual rolls exceeding the specified point count level shall be graded as second quality. A shipment shall be failed the inspection if the shipment penalty count points exceed the specified point count level.

Any roll having a running or repeating defect through more than ten continuous yards shall be rejected regardless of point count.

No roll that contains more than four full width defects per one hundred linear yards, shall be accepted as first quality.

Any roll found to contain defects, in any increment of one hundred yards, with an average of more than one major defect per ten linear yards will be rejected.

No roll shall be accepted that contains a major defect in the first or last three yards of the rolls. A major defect is considered to be any three or four point defect.

No roll shall be accepted as first quality that exhibits a noticeable degree of lose or tightness along either or both selvedges, or ripples, puckers, folds or creases in the body of the fabric that would prevent the fabric from lying flat when being spread in a conventional manner.

Rolls with side to side, side center side, or end to end shading, must be no less than 4.0 Grey Scale rating according to the AATCC Grey Scale or meet client’s requirement.


Lean Textile Co., Limited used FABRIC INSPECTION STANDARD ( 4-Point System ) to inspect fabric according to customer requirement.Have any question,freely contact us.

4 Point System Textile Learner

Company Name:Lean Textile Co., Limited
Company Address:No.1706 International apartment,Fortune Plaza,Shengze Town,Wujiang, Suzhou City,Jiangsu Province,China.
Contact Person:Mr. Haiming Chen
Email:[email protected]