Final Fantasy Vi Hack

FF6 - Brave New World

  • This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Final Fantasy VI Advance (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use these codes.
  • FF6 - Brave New World is a fairly complete overhaul of Final Fantasy VI, featuring Character-based esper restrictions & new stat boosts that promote greater diversity and allow for customized development. Esper leveling system that disassociates esper bonuses from traditional levels.
Final Fantasy VI Hack for SNES

I've been chipping away at a 'perfect' FF6 game for a while, now, to repeat and have-forever a thing I thought was neat when I had it on SNES and PSX. I still enjoy collecting and battling and such, but the timesink of doing this all over again can be draining. I can't seem to find a working cheat table for CheatEngine that will help me to get - for example - Gau's rages for monsters I can.

FF6 - Brave New World is a fairly complete overhaul of Final Fantasy VI, featuring… Character-based esper restrictions & new stat boosts that promote greater diversity and allow for customized development. New and reworked formulas which rescue everything that isn’t magic or magic evasion from the dump-stat heap. Rebalanced equipment, items, spells, and skills that aim to remove dead weight and give players more (and better) choices. A complete overhaul of enemies from their stats to their behavior to better challenge veteran players and newcomers alike. Tons of bugfixes, as well as remedies to many of the game’s more annoying aspects (such as rage hunting taking a lifetime). A new script that restores much of what was lost in translation and builds on existing plotlines and characterization. And much, much more, detailed in the Readme (particularly section 4).

Author: Synchysi

Submitted by: Zeemis

Patch filev1.4.A (24 August 2014)2.50 MB


VMC Studio (Dj Variablo) says:
Just by reading the patch i can tell already that this been a major effort into making this title shine like it should have done. Not like this isn't the best Final Fantasy around, it has always been the best for the Super NES, beats the NES versions and even beats the story AND gameplay of the upcomming Playstation titles which where in glorious 3D. Like Guardian Force FF VIII is a hampered version of the Esper system from FF VI and the draw magic is completely something to go nuts on in repetitive gameplay + the vague ending which ins't all that good. The one thing which keeps me puzzled is for a fact that they never ever gave it thought to remake their best FF, using new 3D state of the art graphics, sounds (while keeping close to the original but orchestrated) And a streamlined but overhauled story line with more side quests along the path to Kefka's final tower conflict. Like more Ultros encounters, Better bandits (the zozo gang) & detailed personal quests per characer with added drama ( like the opera house realy was the first thing ever hapened in a game title, it was original and it was great!). Also should there be a dragon esper system per element which can be dual cast combined alchemical magic outcome or triple cast or quadrippel cast to expand on functionality between elements, summons and magic types and most of all resistances towards these types. (like Palom & Parom from Final Fantasy IV). This would sertainly make the game much more chalanging because you would need to scan monsters more often to see how they adapt to your fighting style. Wishful thinking that maybe this would become true one day for this title really deserves a remake like no other title ever deserved from the FF series. What you guys have been doing is with uttermost respect reviewed and i will let you guys know extensively what i really think about your modification (hack). So far the opening story went really smooth and the words picked is much better then it was before so far. (i didn't pick the clean version). Thanks allot - check out my page on SoundCload to hear some of the cover-work i been mixing through midi composing & sound engineering. Cheers!

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Considering just how popular and influential the original NES/SNES Final Fantasy games were, it should come as no surprise that FF ROM hacking is cherished by fans.

Not only that, but the series has spawned a wealth of fan-projects that take its core concept and build it out in various ways.

Whether that means telling an entirely new story with a game’s assets, or re-creating a canon narrative with different gameplay and presentation.

The recently-released remake of Final Fantasy VII has sparked interest in the older titles again, so I thought it might be a good time to check out what the ROM hacking and fan-game community was up to.

Whether you’re looking for minor improvements for your favorite games or an entirely new experience, check out these awesome FF ROM hacks below.

15. Final Fantasy IV Advance Music Restoration Hack

There are many types of ROM hacks available for the many cartridge-based Final Fantasy titles.

While some give the games complete makeovers, others focus on improving small but meaningful details.

This Music Restoration Hack for Final Fantasy IV replaces the downgraded GBA audio for that of the original SNES game.

It even includes the orchestral piece by the Tokyo Philarmonic Orchestra that plays during the credits.

This specific hack also exists for Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI.

14. Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced Battle

Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the offshoots of the storied franchise that I like the best.

And what better way to freshen up the experience than turning it into Pokémon?

This ROM hack of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance adds the possibility of capturing enemy creatures with “Capture Orbs” after weakening them in battle.

Then they’ll fight alongside you on subsequent encounters, replacing the original recruitment system.

Make sure you catch any strong monsters coming your way, because the game only lets you use two human characters.

The rest is up to your monster party!

13. Final Fantasy VII: Platinum

Mods that make classic games harder are simply the go-to way to reinvigorate any title you’ve grown to master over many playthroughs, and Final Fantasy VII couldn’t be missing a hard-mode hack.

FFVII: Platinum focuses on increasing the challenge level without making the game feel frustrating.

It touches every single enemy and boss, rebalancing their stats and giving them a couple of extra moves.

The hack also nerfs a couple of OP items like the Knights of the Round and MP Absorb.

You’ll start the game with some extra materia to give you a little boost at the beginning of the game.

But the rest is up to you and your skills.

12. Cosplay Crisis


The first fan-game in our list is Cosplay Crisis, a game with a storyline so wacky.

It’s surprising I managed to summarize it.

It follows Kumo Atsureki, a 19 years-old mercenary who gets caught up in a bizarre plot involving something called the C-Virus, which seems to blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

During the game, Kumo and his cosplayer friends start acquiring skills from their Final Fantasy cosplays, but feel their own identities fading in turn.

The gameplay is mostly a turn-based combat affair inspired by Final Fantasy games.

But it does include several creative set pieces that’ll keep things interesting throughout the campaign.

11. Final Fantasy VI: Beyond Chaos EX

Sometimes, you just want to switch things up a bit to reclaim some of the surprise and uncertainty of playing a game for the first time.


FFVI: Beyond Chaos EX is the most powerful FFVI randomizer available, giving you a completely different ROM hack every time you run it.

It swaps treasure locations, enemy spawn points, the order of the dungeons, and even character’s abilities, among many other variables.

It’ll require some customizing from your part, but with ten billion possible combinations, this should keep your FFVI playthroughs fresh for a long time.

10. Final Fantasy IX – Unleashed

Final Fantasy IX doesn’t get as much love from ROM hack creators as other iconic parts of the franchise.

But this Unleashed version of the game makes up for the lack of quantity with excellent quality.

It’s mostly a hard mode for FFIX.

But it focuses more on rebalancing the game to provide a different, more sophisticated experience rather than merely turning enemies into damage sponges.

Bosses have access to more status ailments than before, sport more native abilities like Auto-Shell and Auto-Protect, and are considerably more aggressive.

It’ll be hard as nails initially.

But once you get going, you’ll get used to thinking before you act. Also the ultimate weapons are stronger now, so go hunt them down!

9. Final Fantasy VII: Re-Imagined

Few fan-games are as polished and fun as FFVII: Re-Imagined, which takes the classic turn-based RPG and turns it into a side-scrolling beat-em-up starring Cloud and Tifa as playable characters.

It’s a love letter to both classic beat-em-ups and the FFVII source material, with an attention to detail that’s characteristic of a passion project like this.

The characters look gorgeous.

The enemies are fantastic.

And you can even summon Barret for fire support.

Regrettably, it only covers the introductory phase of FFVII. We should start a petition to get this as a full game.

8. Final Fantasy VII: New Threat

A New Threat feels like a FFVII from another dimension.

It’s essentially the same game, but with more side-quests, brand-new enemies, and a bunch of balance tweaks to both characters and equipment that turn battles much more strategy-heavy.

This hack also includes a revised script with grammar correction and some extra clarification regarding some of the most critical and hazy plot points.

7. EightBound

I struggled to determine whether this was an EarthBound hack or a Final Fantasy fan-game.

Maybe it’s both.


EightBound is a hack of the original SNES EarthBound ROM which replaces its characters, locations, and enemies for Final Fantasy ones taken from all across the SNES/PS era of the series.

The story parodies both FFIII and EarthBound, and it features loads of characters from all over the Final Fantasy multiverse in some shape or form.

6. Final Fantasy VI: Brave New World

Next up we have a pretty divisive ROM hack for Final Fantasy VI, which promises to overhaul the original experience.

One of the hack’s best features is how it promotes differentiation between the game’s characters, giving them individual spell lists only they can learn and pushing them into strategic roles.

What makes this hack so divisive is that it significantly alters the dialogues, and many in the community feel the change was unnecessary.

Play it and decide for yourself!

5. Final Fantasy VI: Stand Guard

If you’re looking for an optimized “vanilla” experience for FFVI, Stand Guard might be ideal.

Not only does it feature a slightly modified script that deals with translation errors, censoring, and the like, but it also fixes many bugs and even restores censored sprites to their original form (taken from the Japanese release).

Among my favorite features is accessing your old characters late into the game to create your ideal party and go around clearing optional content.

4. FFVI: Return of the Dark Sorcerer

For a considerably more extreme alteration of the original FFVI we have Return of the Dark Sorcerer, a completely new game with an original story running on FFVI’s engine.

If features new characters, enemies, and movesets – and even includes several cameos from other franchises, such as the iconic Prinnys from the Disgaea series.

This hack also supports difficulty selection, introduces a music player, and even lets you sprint while on the world map – something I’d love to see in the original FFVI.

3. FFVI: Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition

Like many other titles from its time, FFVI’s script was heavily censored for Western markets to cater to younger audiences.

Final Fantasy Vii Hacks


The Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition promises to fix this by bringing together the work of many translators.

It takes the best from each of them and patches-up Ted Woolsey’s nuanced but ultimately censored translation.

Having played it myself, I can assure you it’s a superior experience.

And considering it also fixes some bugs and restores some censored sprites, there’s little reason to play the original over this.

2. Final Fantasy: Blackmoon Prophecy

Final Fantasy: Blackmoon Prophecy may look like a FFVI ROM hack.

Final Fantasy Vi - Sound Restoration Hack

But it’s actually built from the ground up in RPG maker, even if the first six entries deeply inspire it.

This love letter to retro gaming offers around 20 hours of excellent gameplay, with over 12 playable characters, 30 mandatory dungeons, ten optional dungeons, and over 20 towns to visit and explore.

1. Final Fantasy: Blackmoon Prophecy II

If you liked the original Blackmoon Prophecy, you’ll be pleased to know that there’s already a sequel, taking place over 100 years after the events of the first games.

This time around, the story is considerably more focused and easy to follow. Which is surprising considering it involves time travel, among other things.

With over 40 hours of gameplay, this incredible fan-game is the perfect way to spend an entire weekend taking a rest from society at large.

Don’t we all need a respite sometimes?

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