Tecdoc Database Format

The TecDoc data suppliers provide high-quality replacement parts data in a uniform format using our global “TecDoc Standard”. You can then use the structured data with our TecAlliance solutions, e.g. The TecDoc Catalogue or the Data Manager modules, but also in your own way by choosing just the data that you need. We use tailored solutions and services to offer exactly the support you need in data collection and Management. To be specific, the ACES format is a nested XML file, with only one file per brand. The current ACES data file is ACES 4.1, released May 2020. Who maintains ACES data? The Auto Care Association maintains ACES files. They also update the vehicle applications database. This application database is known as VCdb for “Vehicle Configuration. Distributive/ - TecDoc catalog distributive (in the form of DVD images), which data was extracted from, crack works fine for Windows XP/Vista/7/2003/2008/2008 R2. Queries/ - samples of SQL-queries for MySQL database. Queries/FilterCountryLanguage/ - Database downsizing script: filters data by country and/or languauge.

MySQL installation and operation guide for TecDoc database

ATTENTION: It is required to optimize MySQL settings before upload of such a large database into MySQL

Folders and files structure

MySQL Database load procedure

1. Download necessary files

2. Check archives' consistency by MD5 checksums

3. Configure and restart MySQL

4. Create an empty database

5. Create empty tables by SQL-table generating script

6. Unpack and load tables' data from the SQL-dump


Tecdoc Database Format Download


Upload of SQL-dumps into MySQL

Tables structure and the data itself can be found in different files. The data is also dividedinto several files - in accordance with the tables, which it is loaded into:

the tables with all indexes, necessary for rapid sample SQL-queries execution.

of all the tables with a minimum set of indexes.

Use native console utility mysql (or mysql.exe for Windows) - comes with DBMS MySQL.In Windows running in command prompt, in UNIX - in SSH-console.If you don't have SSH-access to hosting, try PHP-script bigdump:http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump/(anyway console mysql-client is still much faster)

mysql -uLogin -pPassword BaseName <tecdoc.Version.BaseType.structure.mysql.StorageType.sql

in this folder: For UNIX: cat *.sql | mysql -uLogin -pPassword BaseNameFor Windows: type *.sql | mysql -uLogin -pPassword BaseName

all data archives, choose only necessary ones. Remove unnecessary tables from SQL-table generation script as well, or execute all of it first and then delete unnecessary emptytables from MySQL.

30 tables, listed in the file useful_tables.txt, are enough, comparing to a total of 77 TecDoc tables! Besides, if you don't use all of the sample SQL-queries, you may choose even a smaller set out of these30, looking at their short descriptions in that same file useful_tables.txt.

following tables will be enough:

For Windows: http://7-zip.org/download.html (GUI + console version)For Linux/UNIX (p7zip): http://sourceforge.net/projects/p7zip/files/ (console version only)

and source codes (p7zip_*_src_all.tar.bz2), which can be compiled for any other platform. Standard bundles of most OS (operating systems) distributives already contain a version of p7zip specifically compiled for this OS. The bundle is usually called p7zip or p7zip-full (for extracting .7z archives any of the above is enough).

all the examples below.

to use only versions 4.58-4.65, as they unpack large number of small files considerably faster, than allthe other ones (including latest beta-versions 9.xx) - up to 5 times faster! There is no difference inextraction speed between different versions of 7-Zip for Windows.

7z x ArchiveName (or the name of the first part of the archive - with extension .001)

do this way, because it is faster and requires less disk space. To upload data into MySQL from all of thedownloaded archives at once in the current folder use the following command:7z x -so '*.7z' | mysql -uLogin -pPassword BaseName

'double quotes' if the paths contain spaces.

full set of indexes. If you choose the minimum option, then all additional indexes, necessary forfast sample SQL-queries execution, can be further added from queries/KEYS.sql file, although inthis case additional indexes generation will take the same 5 hours, which you initially may save duringupload of the tables.

uploaded into MySQL database during extraction) not to run into a mistake somewhere in the middle of theprocess, I advise to check downloaded files for consistency using the file dir.md5 first. It contains MD5checksums for all archives.

1. Built-in Total Commander tools (for Windows)2. Command line utility md5sum.

which are initially available in all Linux/UNIX distributives.

md5sum.exe -c dir.md5 & pause

also table data. If needed, you can upload everything into MyISAM as well, using the appropriate SQL- table structure generating script.

my.cnf (for Linux/UNIX)my.ini (for Windows)

Tecdoc Database Format Example

further database operation):innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024MIt allocates 1024 Mb of shared cache for data and indexes in InnoDB including operationsof indexes creation. In this case MySQL total memory usage is about 1.5 Gb RAM. If not enough memory is available, then allocate at least 512 MB for this parameter.

innodb_file_per_table = 1

'BaseName/TableName.ibd'. Otherwise, all of the tables are located in a shared file 'ibdata1', which only grows and never downsizes - even when tables and databses are deleted!

only tables created afterwards appear in separate files. If you are apt to to move the existing InnoDB tables into separate files, use the following SQL-command:ALTER TABLE BaseName.TableName ENGINE=InnoDB; for each of your existing tables. Next exit MySQL anddelete the file 'ibdata1'. During the next start of MySQL the default empty 10 MB file 'ibdata1' will be created,and all the tables will be in separate files.

key_buffer_size = 128M

myisam_sort_buffer_size = 512M

indexes are generated somehow very slowly via keycache:myisam_max_sort_file_size = 10G

1. You may run SSH commands in the background, adding at the end: >/dev/null 2>&1 &E.g.: 7za x '*.7z' >/dev/null 2>&1 &Then you may separate this background process from the current SSH session with the command: disown %1In detail Linux console background processes management is described here:http://clinuxworld.com/ubuntu/36-administration/278-running-processes-in-the-background-and-foreground

2. There is such a console utility in Linux: screenIt creates its own virtual session, separate from the current SSH-connection session. It also allows to create multiple virtual sessions and switch between them as between windows.Moreover, if the SSH-session breaks, all of your usual processes continue running in screen.Under next SSH-connection you may go back to any of the previously opened sessions and control how theyare running, interrupt processes etc. the main thing is not to forget about your open screen-sessionsand close them, when they are no longer needed, with the command 'exit'. If 'screen' is not installedin your OS, in all OS distributives it can be installed from a standard set of 'packages' or 'ports'.This utility is described in detail here:http://help.ubuntu.ru/wiki/screen

it loads up a hosting heavily during data upload and update, and requires additional MySQL configuration as well.

Recommended: 2 GB RAM, 1.5 GB of which allocated for MySQL. Minimum required: 2 GB RAM, 700 MB for MySQL. It will run, but it will take a long time to upload/update data.

Tecdoc database format software

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM LANGUAGES;It often helps to understand the structure of a complex query: how tables are related to each other and exactly how MySQL processes the query. It is usually clear from query decryption, which additional indexes can speed up the query, if it is executed slowly.

ART_LOOKUP.sql - Product search (from any manufacturer) by specified original/non-original commercialnumber (article)

Tecdoc Database Format Pdf

ART_LOOKUP2.sql - Analog search (original/non-original/commercial) by any specified article (original/non-original/commercial)ARTICLES.sql - Displays detailed information for a given non-original product (ART_ID):

ARTICLES_SEARCH.sql - Search of non-original products by category with the specified text in name, suitable for a specified car (TYP_ID)

COUNTRIES.sql - Displays a list of all TecDoc countries and groups of countries

MANUFACTURERS.sql - Displays all car brands

MODELS.sql - Displays a list of models for a specified make of car (MFA_ID)

SEARCH_TREE.sql - Builds the product category tree for a specified make of car (TYP_ID)

SEARCH_TREE2.sql - Displays a list of non-original products for a specified make of car (TYP_ID) and category (STR_ID)

SEARCH_TREE3.sql - Displays a list of non-original products for a specified category (STR_ID)

SEARCH_TREE4.sql - Displays the full category tree for all spare parts

SEARCH_TREE4.xlsx - A table with the result of the same name query for the current version of TecDoc

SUPPLIER_COUNTRIES.sql - Displays the country of the specified non-original manufacturer (SUP_ID)

TYPE_NUMBERS.sql - Displays a list of makes of cars for a specified KBA-number (used in Germany)

TYPES.sql - Displays a list of makes of cars for a specified model(MOD_ID)

Tecdoc Database Format

There is a LIMIT 100 restriction in some of the samples to display only the first 100 found matches.If you want to see all the matches - remove this restriction. These samples are more often used in chain, placing the values, obtained in each previous step, intoinitial data of the next one:

1. Select via the tree of cars and parts categories:

MANUFACTURERS.sql -> MODELS.sql -> TYPES.sql -> SEARCH_TREE.sql (несколько раз) -> SEARCH_TREE2.sql -> ARTICLES.sql

2. Direct article search (including search by the analog number):



FUNCTIONS.sql - Additional MySQL-functions and examples of their use

KEYS.sql - Adding supplementary indexes to tables for sample queries speeding-up. It is only necessary, if you initially uploaded tables with minimum set of indexes.

  • Prices and packages for Irbis software based on tecdoc from Mstarproject company: http://www.mstarproject.com/en/?action=tecdoc_mysql_site
  • All text information in one archive: http://manual.mstarproject.com/images/en_tecdoc_autobase_original.zip
Tecdoc database format download

Tecdoc Database Format Software

Источник — «http://manual.mstarproject.com/index.php?title=Tecdoc_queries_and_structure_manual_-_version_2&oldid=1422»