Wartune Knight Skill Build


Wartune Knight Skill Builder

  • Knight's Equipment. A comprehensive list can be found on the Knight's Armor page. Underneath is a detailed description of every skill avalible to knights. However, there exist a skill calculator, where you can see skills, requirements and stats. Found here:Wartune Skill Calculator.
  • Sylphs, launched at version 2.1, once advancing to level 50, players can obtain sylphs after completing the main quest the Legend of the Sylphs. Which requires talking to NPC Azrael in western Cloud City. The Legend of Sylphs.
  • Description: 225% + 225 damage to a single back row target. 80% chance to make a random skill unavailable for 2 rounds. Powerful and with only an 8 second cooldown, this is an awesome skill. It prioritizes players, which means even if troops are still in play, this should be your lead PvP move with Gaia, to take a chance at removing one of your.
  • Abbreviated for Quick Time Event, QTE is an important element in Wartune. Boost your stats with Astrals: focus on one stat, or customize your character with different stat boosts. Explore and unleash your character’s potential with Wartune’s Double Skill system.
Wartune is a fantasy-themed, massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), with spectacular effects. In the new world of Cloud-city, all players gather here to enjoy the wonderful journey of “Sky”. Here you explore new worlds, learn powerful skills as a knight, archer, or mage,join up with friends to fight enemies, break through catacombs, and fight with each other in the Sylph Atoll, all give you a truly epic experience every time you open your browser! Join the popular web game, draw your arms now!

Wartune Knight Skill Build

Knight's Equipment. A comprehensive list can be found on the Knight's Armor page. Underneath is a detailed description of every skill avalible to knights. However, there exist a skill calculator, where you can see skills, requirements and stats. Found here:Wartune Skill Calculator.

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[Guide][Wartune]Fantasy Arena



Do you want to build your own strongest troop? Do you want to be the boss? Do you want to fell the hype that you’ve never experienced? All you need is one ticket to the Fantasy Arena, and they are all yours.


When Fantasy Arena is Activated, click the icon in the red box to enter.

[Gameplay Info]


A. Conditions: During Event Unlock Time, use the ticket to join. Note: One ticket is eligible for one battle.

Wartune Knight Skill Builds

B. Class: Choose one among 3 kinds of classes including Knight, Archer, Mage and Dragonchant.

1. Choose among Knight, Archer, Mage: Choose one of the two corresponding Talents after Knighthood (matching Skills are fixed and cannot be picked)

2. Choose Dragonchant

Potency: Choose one of the 3 in Level 8 Potency

Tailsman: Choose 2 Sets or 4 Sets Effect

Skill: Choose Freeze/Enchantment (6 fixed Active Skill, Skills can’t be matched by players)

C. Choose Sylph:Choose among Ancient double element Sylphs Odin, Frigga and Thor, with their corresponding Holy Sword attributes. Each Ancient Sylph has 5 fixed Active Skills and Holy Sword Skills.

D. Choose Relic: Choose any one Relic and three Pennants.

E. Choose Goddess: Choose one from Hecate, Kassandra, Illiya, Lenneth and Asteria, with their highest attributes and skills.

F. Choose Titan: Choose 10 from 12 Titan Skills, arrange Skill order without repeating any Skills.

G. Choose Main and Sub Eudaemon:

1. Choose 10 Eudaemons and 5 Willpowers for Main Eudaemon. Choose following Sylph afterwards.

2. Choose from 10 Eudaemons for Sub Eudaemon, and then choose following Sylph.

H. Adjust Troop Formation: Click on the “ Adjust Troop Formation” icon to adjust Troop Formation. There are 4 choices.

I. Entering the Competition: Click on the Match button to randomly match a player in Fantasy Arena for competition. Victory or Failure, points are given. Players are ranked according to their points, and are rewarded according to their rankings. When multiple players share the same points, rewards are given in order of time and sent via mail.

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